Brian McNulty Photographer | Writer

Behind the lens
The invention of camera phones transformed the world into a population of millions upon millions of photographers.
Within this sea of photos, I lost my love of taking photos. I still appreciated that we had more amazing photos being taken, but in the 'olden days', we had a limited number of photos and far fewer interested photographers.
This meant you could take a photo, without turning round to see a queue behind you waiting to take the same one.
Lately the love seems to have returned and a realisation that the enjoyment comes from within. Seeing the world through a different lens when on a walk with camera in hand; experiencing the joy of knowing it was a special moment captured.
Rather than sitting as files on my computer I have put them on this site to share but also so that I feel relief that they are not needing to be sorted.
Same goes for the writing, just sitting in files so better here than there!
I hope it brings some enjoyment or a smile.