Brian McNulty Photographer | Writer
Did I really have a say?
Time has drifted, my dreams stood still.
These last months have been strangers to my girl.
Your laugh, missed sorely since you fled,
Irreplaceable, left to echo around my head.
What turns uncertainty into desire?
Didnt dance with someone to take you higher?
What if God rearranged the chapters of your life?
Would you then still want to be my wife?
One day you seemed so desperate to break free.
Never met the white knight, so he becomes me?
Maybe you did, but I still made you feel proud,
So was that your judgement hiding behind the cloud?
Was the grass not greener on the other side?
Well forget swallowing, I just chocked on my pride.
All that silver, thrown down the wishing well.
Ultimately outside bets, only time could really tell.
This slippery slope is getting a little to steep,
And the water under the bridge, is looking far too deep.