Brian McNulty Photographer | Writer
Sunken Relation Ship
You cant reverse the charges on your calls for attention
There are too many holes in your story to justify my emotional retention.
You let me off you invisible leash a little too far on this occasion
As I gulped in the taste of freedom and added relief to the equation
Escaped from your dead-end paths
It all added up and Im useless at maths
Now I realise you had me in emotional chains
And only contempt at our memory remains.
You tried to change me and succeeded
But not in the way you thought when we wed.
You turned your back for one solitary time
And I escaped from our marriage pantomime.
Where you played Cinderella to everyone we know
And become the wicked witch as soon as they go
You mastered the art of manipulation and deceit
Taking my freedom, not even leaving a receipt
You ensured I was hissed at by our friends and family
Making me appear the Wolf in this reoccurring matinee
I tried to escape before your boredom lengthened the lead
Somehow my lack of courage meant I could never succeed
I ask myself daily, surely this was not wedding bliss
And heard my internal minds audience shout oh yes it is
I argued back, that this cannot be true
To be drowned out with the shout she’s behind you
Forcing me to live on your stage. In your house.
Forcing me to live in a cage. A trapped mouse.
Daily I questioned why I had this desperate life
Asking which scene I chose an Ugly Sister for a wife
Did I stumble across a frog?
And in a moment of madness, give it a snog?
Did I find you during a 100 years of sleep?
Did a king give me as a gift to keep?
For solving a conundrum, for unraveling some lies?
I must have then insulted him to collect the booby prize
Walking on eggshells, avoiding saying something controversial
Aware that I must have missed the dress rehearsal
I wonder what performance someone news going through
Are you already making sure his audience shout boooo
As you paint yourself as wouldn’t melt butter
And make him appear like an absolute nutter.
Wanting to shout, "your personalities like the Emperors clothing"
But he will have a walk-on part through fear and loathing
As you continue to act like The Princess, always out to impress
Only I knew there was no pea underneath your mattress
Letting down the golden hair so he can scale the tower
Not aware its a crumbling one and it will all turn sour
When he sees you’re actually the wicked witch of the East
And you throw in North, South and West, when he expects it least.
He’s trapped the Ugly Ducking, only on rewind
Sorry mate, but theres no glass slipper for you to find.
You can rub the lamp until you’re blue in the face
But theres not genie to help you escape this nut-case
Twisting your mind with words, as you suffocate or drown
Huffing and puffing cant blow the house of pain down
Take your independence, money, fun and respect.
Anyway, now Im gone, had enough time to reflect.
About being free, and asking who’s laughing now?
AUDIENCE: Her. As you didn’t get any beans for that cow