Brian McNulty Photographer | Writer
Time will tell or beating heart or kangaroo court
This poem is about a prosecution lodged in court by my mind against my heart. My mind then calls various other parts of my anatomy as witnesses.
Welcome, Time to jury duty, do you understand your role?
To decide who gets custody of my Body, Heart, Mind and Soul.
We have a domestic here, between Australia and Great Britain,
Where should McNulty live, below the answer is hidden.
My Heart remains at home and advises that is where I stay,
My Mind disagrees and has something obvious to say.
You must consider the weather, purveyor of great dismay.
Painting your homeland a demoralising grey.
Compare that to sun bathing, BBQ's and the beach,
In this internal fight, surely the Mind has the long reach
The Heart has objections your honor but they are continually overruled.
Do not let an emotionless part of your body allow you to be fooled.
Simply put my dear Mind, but simple can mean obscured,
And into the wrong decision, the simple are often lured.
Sun, attitude and freedom but does it make amends,
For the loneliness and void left by absent family and friends?
Like comparing apples to pears, only no scales exist
And every case within this court, too unique to even assist.
Should we consider future ancestors, to be born into the chosen Nation?
No, it is the judges decision that we will omit this complication.
Let’s keep this simple as we have many others with plenty to say.
First witness for the defense, and no pleading the 5th; I call to the stand my Body.
Keeping fit was not a thought back home, I regarded it as a crime.
Can you say that with certainty, is it not just a sign of your life’s time?
The correct attitude towards a healthy life and opportunities are here all the same,
And to be perfectly honest, it puts our homeland to shame.
[We come, we drink, we conquer F-all and are proud of this outlook on life
At home I sprouted several times to be chopped down by the life style knife.]
And last witness for Australia my Lord, I call My Past up to the stand.
May I approach the bench cried the Heart, as surely he is banned.
What is done is done, spilled milk tears and yesterday is gone,
Let sleeping dogs lie, don’t mention the war, as we all know Time marches on.
Over ruled again, we know the past always catches up replied the judge.
It is wise to consider what the Past has to say and on this advice I will not budge.
Keep prominent your reasons for escaping London's crowds and grime
Never live for the weekend or feel yourself grow old before your time.
The depressed masses eventually get to you and unlock the door to your heart,
Leaving the extreme feelings of love and hate which tear contentment apart.
[It is time to go it all alone, look around, I know this is an internal Heart attack,
At least get yourself in the situation where you can always come back]
Some true words Past, but my Soul, why didn’t he get to have a say?
Your Soul is but a tinker of this life, and is ruled instead by destiny.
Your Mind and Heart make the judgement calls and decide how you affect your creation.
Your Soul however will never die, and is too important to discuss which Nation?
Now you’re honor, this is preposterous and I must call for an adjournment.
What can the evidence of that that has not happened, possibly represent?
Do not be so hard Hearted, this Future is bright but unclear,
Future, outline your dreams and the jury will lend you an ear.
Where do I start I have so many characteristics I hope to possess
Remember my right from wrong, as morals are the foundations of happiness.
To be more generous, honest and show more forgiveness.
To be worry free, openly love and criticise less.
Make up my mind where I am going, put in the work and anything can be done,
Know my long term values, defend what you love and have my fair share of fun.
All very moving and I am now bleeding the Heart said with dismay.
But what does this have to do with where McNulty should stay?
You are not looking deep enough, replied the mind, this is a Catch 22
Know firstly what you want from life then decide if where can give it you
To stay or not to stay, now that is the question?
In order to answer that you must develop and move on.
Is it better to have tasted a country and leave it forever.
The poet who said so about love, I don’t think was so clever.
Britannia rules the waves, but it was a sea I sometimes deplored.
So my dear Britain I'm afraid I'm a man over board.
So Time has come and we ask you jury, have you something to say?
Yes your honor, we recommend McNulty pleads insanity