Brian McNulty Photographer | Writer
Car crash survivor
And with all the inner strength my mind could second
Awakening sleeping childhood thoughts and beyond
I found the power to raise my broken head
As subconsciously, I knew the dangers associated with red
Petrol engulfs my lungs causing immediate sickness
My brain calculating with any remaining strength I possess
How to survive; human instincts kick in
Need to think on my feet in order to win
Yet despite the clear messages being transmitted
My lower body is reluctant for them to be admitted
Then I see the problem, those are the only feet left today
The others appear to be severed from the rest of my body
A noise in my ear, piercing the public screams
Enough to interrupt my white light filled dreams
One voice stands out, to confirm the situations dire
The sound was a roar as the dripping petrol caught fire
The screams grew louder, the observers seeming closer
I realise that they are coming from my trapped brother
His ear and hair burning, I wrench away my face
Flesh burning smells, taking the pungent petrol's place
My ripped hand fumbles to try and undo the seat belt
I realise I'm twisted and the clasp is nowhere to be felt
Fate almost calms me, the on-lookers cries now so faint
Now more aware of dripping plastic and bubbling paint
Leaving me alone in my twisted metal coffin
My mind is now numb and the end begins to begin
Heat beyond words accompanied the resultant explosion
Ensuring my existence and the accuracy of this title were gone