Brian McNulty Photographer | Writer
Whats your expectation?
Everyone is out for themselves
I'm alright Jacqui, or at least me and those in close circles. He was such a caring guy; to those who were lucky enough to cross his path, but did he do enough?
Internal. The day it finally sunk in. Missed your chance to even dream (the extreme.) Those who are unable to communicate. Their feelings through lack of intelligence or development. Or is there a fine line between this and justification?
Too much fun or laziness leads to underachievement. Although some are born destined for mediocrity. Family beats any achievement but in many cases is a smoke screen for failure.
Ah my favourite. HE did and we should.
Everyone is different. Thank GOD.
Maybe not, we would not have a dilemma,
Or else if we did an older clone would know how to deal
with your issue and probably overcome it.
For sure.
Few can grasp it. Define it.
Perfect partners, I don’t think so. No crime
Committed. Committed to what exactly?
To showing love forever or are you satisfying
Expectation or your lives core requirements?
From all outside your minds scope of your personalities homemade barriers.
The walls can be penetrated but have you the energy or thrown in the towel instead?
It didn’t turn out as you wished? Simple. Answer or is the solution just to deal with it? Or to realise there was no real commitment. Go on think.
Time erodes even memories
Confusion. Breeds a conclusion.
So many different views and angles of the same scenario. So many think theirs and only their views count. Both extremes are the worst but who sets the extremes. More importantly who moves them?
Breed. Enough said.
Alternative? Dead.