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Nightmare. Slept in for our first package holiday.
Now packing the kids bags in a disorganised way.
So much for sharing a six pack; I still feel drunk.
The kids have more clothes than Nelly packed in her trunk
[What a night, I remember the karaoke, singing Topac
Believing at the time, I sounded liker one of the rat-pack]
If that bloody Pakistani driver turns up late again
Ill show him I pack a punch if we miss that plane.
Best not forget that pack of cards to keep the kids quiet
If I dont get my duty free pack of fags, there will be a riot
Squeeze in the cagoules, the forecast said pack for rain
Typically the kids are like a pack of wolves, driving me insane
Im beginning to resemble a pack horse, only without the flies
Shouldnt listen to these forecasts usually a pack of lies
No time for breakfast, a packed lunch will have to suffice
Can now taste last nights pakora, this time minus the spice
All this to be packed like sardines, on a beach in Spain
Why did he leave us, can I pack this in and start again?



© 2025 by Brian McNulty

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